Monday, July 9, 2007


The framers of the Constitution foresaw that at some time in the future, unsavory, unworthy characters might ascend to positions of power in this great country. So they wrote in the impeachment process in order that Americans could rid themselves of such people. Well folks, the time (if ever there was one ) to begin the process is NOW.
A president may be impeached for mere INCOMPETENCE. GET IT? He does not have to be found guilty of any violations of the Constitution. So what is the congress waiting for????
Granted, the Republicans have obeyed every beck and call of our "president" till now; now that some of the most prominently obliging Republican senators have their seats in jeopardy, now they are attempting to feign disapproval of their liege. Well I say "its a dollar short, and a day late to show apprehension for their incapability to have acted against thePrez sooner."
Not only is impeachment overdue, but the Supreme Court Five who notoriously stopped the vote count in 2000 in order to play a dirty trick on us and install the Prez, should also face impeachment. The Constitution provides such a remedy for the Court Judges as well.
Very few Americans realize that althought a Supreme Court Judge is appointed for life----he/she may be impeached and ousted by the very same process used to rid us of a president.
So far, I have heard of impeaching the Judges just once in these long years of living with their crazy decisions. We need to wake up, notify our Reps and Senators of our displeasure with the lot of them and make them face Justice. Without a way to rid us of our corupt leaders, we have no country to call our own.

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